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A Secret Schemer Page 21

  ‘I couldn’t agree more, however she’ll see it through to the end of the week. And I’ve tried to stop her.’ Jena added.

  ‘What is the big issue about his birthday then Jena?’

  ‘He’s told her he’s planned a big surprise for her, personally I wouldn’t believe a word he says, he’s a scumbag.’ Jena declared.

  ‘For the life of me I can’t understand the guy, she’s such a great girl, what is his problem?’

  ‘I’m pretty sure we’re about to find out, sooner rather than later. If he hurts my mate I swear he’ll pay.’ Jena said angrily. ‘I’ve never trusted him from the word go, even more so after what we’ve uncovered in his room since, plus his weird behaviour.’

  ‘Why do you think she can’t see it Jena?’ Luke asked.

  ‘She keeps giving him the benefit of the doubt; he’s obviously an expert deceiver.’

  ‘Do you suspect he’s done this before, the part I’m not getting is what is he going to gain from it all?’ Lucas adds.

  As I went back into the bar carrying a tray of coffee and biscuits, I felt that everything went quiet; perhaps my ears should be burning. This confirmed that my friends were concerned, do they know more than me...After our coffee I went back into the kitchen, closely followed by Jena. ‘Grace I’ll be in the restaurant if you need me love, I have a pile of mail to sift through.’

  ‘Ok Lucy.’

  ‘I’m coming in there as well Hun as I need to check on the napkins.’ Jena added.

  Sitting at the far end of the restaurant I started to open the mail. I had a feeling Jena was about to join me.

  ‘So Lucy Ross are you going to tell me how yesterday went?’

  I was aware that once I’d explained to Jena what had happened yesterday, the tears would flow. She’s the one person in my life that can read me like a book. So with tears trickling silently from my eyes, I looked at Jena knowing full well what she was thinking.

  ‘So you’re still going to wait and see what Sunday brings?’ She asked cautiously.

  ‘I guess so; however I’m on the edge now Jena and it wouldn’t take much to push me over.’

  ‘That’s what’s worrying me.’

  ‘Don’t get me wrong, I mean towards him. After his antics last night I can assure you I’m angry, very angry.’

  ‘Promise me Lucy you’ll ring me at any time if you need me.’

  ‘I sure will honey, what would I do without my mate.’

  On my way upstairs later I could hear footsteps, so I stopped to listen, as the footsteps faded I heard a door close. It had to be Tim as I was on the first floor when I stopped, seems he’s actually in the building tonight. I listened outside of his room for a moment, however it was all quiet. All I wanted now was a good night’s sleep, so as I snuggled down beneath my duvet I soon drifted off into oblivion…. In my dream I could see the picture of the person with the beautiful eyes…nothing more just those beautiful eyes. I woke about seven o’clock and felt refreshed for a change. Who is the person with the stunning eyes, I wish I knew. Why did they appear in my dream, although I’ve no idea who they are? I feel it must be the other woman in his life, has something happened to her, why is she coming to me? Not another day of reflection, I’m going to keep myself busy.

  The day passed without any issues. Kate was bursting with happiness as Tom had now met her parents who evidently thought he was great. Even the wayward Jodie thinks he’s cool. Jena and Andy had the evening off, so I worked in the bar with Lucas. Once everyone had left I poured a couple of glasses of wine. ‘Let’s enjoy a nightcap Lucas; I’m celebrating a day without any issues.’

  ‘Cheers Lucy, why have there been problems with the pub?’ He asked.

  ‘No not at all, I mean my personal issues.’ I laughed.

  ‘That’s good; you had me worried there for a minute.’

  ‘No the pub’s fine, I’ve just managed to avoid thinking of the obvious.’ We chinked glasses.

  ‘Here’s to good luck for you Lucy, I truly mean that.’ Lucas assured.

  ‘Thanks Lucas and I wish you the same.’

  When we’d finished our drinks, Lucas offered to lock up and put the alarms on, so I wandered slowly upstairs with just one thing on my mind. Another restful night’s sleep…As I reached my flat I could hear voices, I peered into the lounge only to find it empty. I kicked off my shoes and went back to Tim’s room, as I’d guessed the voices where coming from inside. Immediately my anger returned, how dare he have someone in his room at this time of night, in fact at any time, this was my home and business, not a knocking shop. Without another thought I hammered on his bedroom door….within seconds he opened the door slightly. ‘Lucy what on earth’s wrong?’ He shouted.

  ‘You may well ask, who the hell have you got in your room?’

  Before I had chance to say more he interrupted me. ‘Nobody I’m having a conversation on skype with a work colleague, surely that’s allowed.’

  Shocked by his explanation I replied. ‘It sounded to me as though you had someone in there with you.’

  He came out of the room pulling the bedroom door almost closed, and stood in the passage. He looked annoyed. ‘What’s got into you Lucy, I didn’t think there was a time limit on skype conversations.’

  ‘No there isn’t, but it sounded as though you had someone in there. Why have you pulled the door to anyway, is there something you’re hiding?’

  ‘He looked agitated. ‘Not at all it’s just rather messy; I’m not the tidiest person.’

  ‘D’you know Tim I can’t be bothered with this tonight, I’m extremely tired.’ With that I walked away and slammed my bedroom door behind me, leaving him standing in the passageway. Lying in bed I kept mulling over what had taken place, as for skype I’ve never used it. I guess voices in a room could always come from skype or mobile calls, to be honest I’d never given it a thought. Today had gone well, until I put my foot right in it. He probably thinks I’m a complete idiot, should I apologise? I decided to let sleeping dogs lie, for tonight anyway.

  On the landing below Lucas had been listening to the heated words, he’d followed Lucy upstairs after setting the alarms in the bar. He wanted to make sure she was safe, because if Tim hurt a hair on her head he knew he would intervene. Lucas had fallen deeply in love with Lucy almost as soon as he’d met her. To him she was perfect, everything a man could ever wish for. He’d never made his feelings known, although Mary had worked it out, Lucas and Mary had become close friends over the time the pub had been open. However Lucas was sure she would never voice his secret, as a sincere trust had flourished between them. Now though his concern for Lucy’s safety was paramount, she was constantly on his mind. As she’d shared the catalogue of events relating to this bizarre affair, he trusted Tim Carter as he’d trust a rattle snake. When he’d heard Lucy’s door slam he went into his room, and lay fully clothed on the bed. He agreed with Jena that this guy was up to something shady, illicit even, and he had no doubt that all the secretive data was logged on his laptop. How he would love the opportunity of a few hours with that computer so he could give Lucy the answers she deserved. As for the big surprise he’d promised Lucy to celebrate his fortieth birthday, he deemed this as weird. He’d wracked his brain for hours trying to fathom it out….with a shifty character like Carter he’d found this impossible….

  Chapter 33

  Why does that guy always make me feel that I’m the one in the wrong? So many times I’ve wanted to hammer on his door and the very night I do it I end up with egg on my face. I couldn’t shake the feeling of embarrassment off, so once again I was in the mode of struggling to get cozy and fall asleep. I felt self conscious and awkward about what had happened, why did I have to be so impulsive? Finally I drifted off into a troubled, dream filled sleep…a man, a strange man was walking towards me, and he looked self assured, fearless. As he approached me I felt an intense overpowering fear, panic gripped me like ice and I was frozen to the spot…his arms were around my neck and he was pulli
ng me close to him, he was foul and offensive. As I screamed he forced his lips on mine, pushing his lips hard against mine, I struggled screaming….waking abruptly I realised I was entangled in my duvet perspiring profusely…pushing the duvet onto the floor I sat up on the bed, my heart was in my mouth pumping frantically…I attempted to stand, though my legs felt like jelly, I needed a drink of water…and then I sobbed silently like a frightened child…Glancing briefly at the clock I could see it was only five….slowly I calmed down and managed to walk into the kitchen. Thirstily I drank a glass of cold water, then put the kettle on to boil, sweet tea I needed now. Sitting on the bed with a mug of steaming sweet tea, I reflected on the scary dream, who was this lewd and vulgar man. I’m striving to understand what is happening to me, what do these dreams mean, who are these people? I can’t go back to sleep now, for fear of the dream recurring. I’ll take a shower and go down to the kitchen, Lucas and Mary will be up, as at this moment in time I need company, I feel so alone.

  As I walked into the kitchen Lucas was sitting reading his paper it was just seven o’clock. ‘Good morning.’ I said somewhat shakily.

  ‘Whatever’s wrong Lucy, you look as though you’ve seen a ghost.’ Lucas got up from the table to pull a chair out for me. ‘Sit down and I’ll get you a cuppa.’

  The tears are stinging my eyes, I feel like a helpless child. I mustn’t break down, I’m safe now. ‘I think I may have done.’ I said quietly.

  ‘D’you feel like telling me?’ Lucas asked, as he passed me my tea.

  ‘Another dream, only this time it was a lecherous stranger who attacked me. I’ve been up since five.’

  ‘You should have given me a ring, I was awake as well, and we could have talked Lucy.’

  ‘I’m sure you’d have thanked me for disturbing you so early. I just have to get a grip on this. Thank you for offering anyway.’

  Desperately wanting to give Lucy a hug and tell her he’d always be there for her, Lucas knew he had to simply comfort her with words. ‘You say this man was a stranger?’

  ‘Absolutely, I have no idea who he was.’

  ‘I wish I knew more about dreams, you seemed so relaxed last night.’ Lucas added.

  As Mary still hadn’t come into the kitchen I told Lucas about my argument with Tim, affirming that I was in the wrong and asking if he thought I should apologise for my mistake. Lucas looked annoyed as I was finishing my story.

  ‘No way should you apologise Lucy, never. He’s been a secret schemer from the word go. Also he pulled the door closed making a feeble excuse that his room was untidy, anyone could have been in there. Skype could have been an instant excuse. Please don’t be fooled.’

  Watching Lucas I could see he was a tad uptight over this, I’d never seen him like this before. Like Jena, he seems to see things in Tim that I don’t. Or is it simply that I’m allowing him to dupe me? At that moment Mary came into the kitchen, armed with a couple of black bags ready for the bin.

  ‘Let me take those for you Mary.’ Lucas offered as he stood up.

  ‘Hi Lucy, shall we have another cuppa and toast love, you look as though you need it.’

  ‘Please Mary that sounds wonderful.’ I noticed when Lucas returned he still looked uptight. I’ll have another chat to him later. I needed to speak to Jena; I know exactly how she feels about Tim; however she may have something useful to say about the dream. It was lunch time before I caught up with her, as Charles Emerson had called in for a chat. Evidently the brewery is thrilled with the way the pub is progressing. Let’s hope they don’t decide to increase my rent. At least the business side of my life is booming, and to be truthful that is the most important side.

  ‘Every time I set eyes on you Lucy Ross you look decidedly more knackered, come on spill. What’s the bastard done now?’ Jena declared.

  I always love the way she says it as it is. I shared the events of last night with her. When I told her I’d hammered on his door, she began to grin like a Cheshire cat. Nevertheless when I told her about the dream she looked upset.

  ‘You should have pushed your way into the room, for one there could have been someone in there, or two you would have seen who as on skype.’

  ‘He said it was a work colleague.’

  ‘Really and what work would that be?’

  ‘Well he has to be earning money from somewhere love.’ I added.

  ‘That’s where you and me differ honey, you still believe he works, where I believe he’s a chancer.’

  ‘He must do some work Hun, how on earth would he have that amount of money otherwise.’ I suggested.

  ‘Easily, he could have been the beneficiary in a will; he could also have won the lottery. Truth, I believe he’s messing with something illegal.’

  ‘Well after his birthday I fully intend to confront him over the money and accounts, as there is no way I’m living with all this uncertainty.’ I assured.

  ‘Seriously, you mean you’re actually seeing sense at last Lucy.’ Jena exclaimed. ‘Sorry to come down hard on you love but let’s face it we’ve been telling you for months.’

  Thank goodness I hadn’t mentioned the fact that I was going to apologise to him for last night. ‘So what do you think the dream meant Jena?’ I attempted to change the subject.

  ‘With what’s going on in that head of your Lucy, I hate to think. Seriously though please ring me at any time if something like that happens again; never feel you’re on your own.’ With that Jena gave me a hug, which instantly made my eyes sting with unshed tears.

  ‘D’you know what I think Lucy, you need a change of scenery, a night out.’ Jena suggested. ‘I’ll take a look at the rota and see what can be arranged, stay right there don’t move an inch.’

  I had to laugh, although I’m the impulsive one, Jena comes up with impromptu ideas. However a night away from this issue could be a blessing in disguise. I became a tad concerned when Jena hadn’t reappeared after half an hour, what the hell was she doing. I busied myself opening mail and then answered a couple of emails. When I saw her coming back she had one of those looks on her face, a look that said do as your told and don’t argue, which made me smile; I can’t wait for this disclosure.

  ‘Get your glad rags on by six o’clock as you’re going to the theatre to see Thriller, you need cheering up and a night of lively music is just the way to go. The seats are booked, as is the taxi.’ She emphasised.

  ‘You said seats, who am I going with?’

  ‘Lucas, I had last night off and he’s due a free night. He says he’s happy to escort you, so long as you don’t mind.’

  ‘Actually it sounds fun, thanks honey. You’re a star.’ I grinned.

  Lucas couldn’t believe it when Jena suggested he go to the theatre with Lucy, he realised he had to appear cool about the offer, although inside he was thrilled to bits. However spending the evening with someone you are deeply in love with and can’t show how you feel, would be difficult. Lucas was waiting in the bar for Lucy, and when she walked in he gave a little gasp. She was a vision in purple, his natural desire was to take her in his arms and tell her just how beautiful she looked. However he had to be wise. ‘Hi Lucy it’s so good to see you smiling, and looking pretty in purple.’

  ‘Thanks Lucas.’ I smiled. ‘Jena do you think all this purple is a bit much?’

  ‘You look great, now get out of here the pair of you and have fun. By the way there’s loads of time the show doesn’t start until seven thirty so time for a bevy first.’

  On the way to the theatre we chatted about everyday issues, I was determined that Tim’s name wouldn’t be mentioned. Lucas had been good enough to spend his night off with me and I didn’t want to be boring. The taxi stopped on the corner of Shaftesbury Avenue, as we’d decided to walk up to the Lyric theatre, so we could have a drink first. Our seats were in the dress circle so we had a great view. The show was brilliant, Lucas had expressed he was a Michael Jackson fan, when they played Billy Jean I wanted to go on the stage and dance. As we were leav
ing the theatre Lucas asked me if I was hungry. ‘After all my terrible vocals (my singing sounds like a bee in a bottle) I actually am rather peckish.’

  ‘Hey your voice was far better than mine, so what do you fancy, a sit down meal or a takeaway, you choose?’

  As we were walking along I noticed a pizza hut. ‘Let’s get a pizza and take it back to the pub.’

  ‘That sounds great.’

  By the time the taxi dropped us outside the Frog and Toad, we’d eaten most of the pizza. In the bar Jena had Andy working with her, and by the looks of it he was having a ball. ‘Jena it was a great show, thanks so much for arranging it. I suppose a free drink is out of the question?’ I teased.

  ‘The cheek of some people Andy, she walks in here at closing time and wants a free drink. Anyone would think she owns the place.’ Jena laughed.

  Jena poured us both a large glass of wine and we sat at the bar chatting about the show. ‘Come and join us.’ I asked cheerfully.

  As Andy closed the door after the last customer they came and sat with us. ‘So it was worth seeing then?’ Andy asked.

  ‘Definitely if you’re a fan of MJ, Lucy’s been singing all night.’ Lucas laughed.

  ‘Well you certainly have a smile on your face honey and that is great to see.’ Jena added.

  ‘Were you busy?’ I asked casually.

  ‘Not bad for mid week, plus Andy’s been serving.’

  ‘Fabulous, you do realise you’ve made a rod for your own back now Andy, when we’re short staffed.’ I remarked.

  ‘That’s cool, it was fun.’

  ‘I don’t want to be a party pooper but all that singing has tired me out, thanks again Lucas for putting up with me for the evening.’ I gave them all a peck on the cheek as I left the bar.

  ‘How was she Lucas, did she talk about the scumbag much?’ Jena asked cautiously.

  ‘She didn’t mention him once and she really let her hair down and had fun.’